Hello Dancers,

        Kalispell International Folk Dance tonight, Nov. 20, from 7 to 10 p.m., at the Salvation Army gym,
        110 Bountiful Drive.
        Come warm up with some dancing on a frigid night.

        We had a great party for Missy last Saturday, and a big turnout.

        Keep warm, everyone. For more information on international dancing and links to upcoming events,
        free music and other information, visit the Kalispell International Folk Dancers web site, where
        you can also find playlists from past dances:

        DANCES 11-20-10

        Seta                    Serbia
        Djado mitjovata         Bulgaria
        Biserka                 Serbia
        Armenian Turn           Armenia
        Jiana                   Romania
        Lakodalmi Tanc          Hungary
        At Ve'Ani               Israel
        Cepelarsko Horo         Bulgaria
        Mesho Gorani            Armenia
        Newcastle               England
        Sborinka                Bulgaria
        Verapcheto              Bulgaria
        Devojce, Devojce        Macedonia
        Dodi Li                 Israel
        Schioapa                Romania
        Siriul                  Romania
        Dospatsko Oro           Bulgaria
        Korobushka              Russia
        U Krusevo Ogin Gori     Macedonian
        BaPardess               Israel
        Hambo                   Sweden
        Innherredspols          Sweden
        Pidhichtos Banas        North Thrace
        Sedi Donka              Bulgaria
        Harmonica               Israel
        Erev Ba                 Israel
        Bavno Oro               Macedonia
        Zimushka                Russia
        Mairi's Wedding         Scotland
        Tankosava               Serbia
        Narino                  Turkey
        Valle Nuseve Nga Korca  Albania
        Sestorka                Serbia
        Orijent                 Serbia
        Joc batranesc de la Niculitel Romania

        DANCERS 11-20-10
        1. Russ
        2. Missy
        3. Roger
        4. Jackie
        5. Kathy
        6. Don
        7. Rose
        8. Jon
        9. Karen
        10. Sam
        11. Ruth
        12. Connie

        Happy dancing,