Howdy Dancers,

        Kalispell International Folkdancers had another good week and good turnout.
        Joe rejoined us, still hobbling a bit after holiday foot surgery but able to join
        in on several dances! We dance again Saturday Jan. 24, from 7 to 10 pm, at the
        Salvation Army gym, 110 Bountiful Drive in Kalispell.

        Roger reports that the Calgary group has confirmed that Yves Moreau will lead an
        international dance workshop April 3-5 in Calgary. Details, including venue, are
        still being worked out, but cost is expected to be around $80, and the Calgary group
        generally finds accommodations for everyone. Moreau is a celebrated international
        dancer/teacher/Bulgarian dance specialist, and there will probably never be a
        better opportunity to attend a workshop with him. Roger has placed a link to the
        Calgary group on our web site, so add the site to your favorites (if you haven't already)
        and watch it for further details.

        Web site for Kalispell International Folkdancers:

        Don't forget to make your reservations for Steam & Stomp at Boulder
        Hot Springs Feb. 21-22. If you've never attended, it's a great
        opportunity to learn new dances, meet dancers from all over the state
        and beyond, and enjoy a classic old Montana hot springs resort that has
        been brilliantly restored, for prices that are still a comparative bargain.

        Contra Dancers met Saturday night at Joe's for a potluck session to
        revive monthly Contra dances in Kalispell. They are planning Saturday
        dances for March, April and May at the Salvation Army gym. For updates,
        contact Joe to get on the contra e-mail list if you're not already on it.
        joe58 at centurytel dot net

        DANCES 01-17-09

        Djado mitjovata                         Bulgaria
        Gankino Horo                            Bulgaria
        Sopsko Horo                             Bulgaria
        Elenino Horo (B)                        Macedonia
        Ali Pasha                               Turkey
        Nebesko Kolo                            Croatia
        Delcevsko Horo                          Bulgaria
        Dance Of Ikaria                         Greece
        Doudlebska Polka                        Czech
        Hora ca la Caval                        Romania
        Devojce, Devojce                        Macedonia
        Zorba                                   Greece
        St. Margaret's Hill                     England
        Krakowiak                               Poland
        Tervelska Raka                          Bulgaria
        Tervelska Tropanka                      Bulgaria
        Black Nag                               ECD
        Setnja                                  Serbia
        Sitna Zborenka                          Bulgaria
        Posties Jig2                            Scotland
        Katushe Mome Katushe                    Macedonia
        Ta'am Haman                             Israel
        Gavotte d'Honneur                       Brittany
        Harmonica                               Israel
        Narino                                  Turkey
        Ajde Jano (rock 1)                      Serbia
        Ne e Kemi Drenicën                      Montenegro
        Kor Tanc                                Hungary
        Lakodalmi Tanc                          Hungary
        Maxwell's Rant                          Scotland
        Shiftin' Bobbins                        Scotland
        Mom Bar                                 Armenia

        1. Don
        2. Rose
        3. Roger
        4. Sam
        5. Ruth
        6. Marianne
        7. Marvin
        8. Jackie
        9. Sherrie
        10. Russ
        11. Missy
        12. Kathy
        13. Joe
        14. Connie