Hello Dancers! Hope everyone's having a lively summer. The Kalispell International Folk Dancers will meet again Saturday Aug. 15 at the usual venue, the Salvation Army Church gym at 110 Bountiful Drive a block south of Kalispell Regional Hospital. Sing a rousing happy birthday for Connie, who celebrated on Thursday. Rose & I will be gone this weekend but look forward to rejoining the group next week. For Contra Dancers, Kathy Neff hopes to organize an informal Contra Dance for Sept. 19, with volunteer callers and musicians. She'd like to use the Salvation Army gym that Saturday night, if no one has any heartburn about it. Regular fall Contra Dances will begin Oct. 10, with caller and band to be announced. November's date is uncertain. So as not to conflict with Rails to Trails pie auction/dance on the 14th, they are thinking the 7th or 21st. Any thoughts? December 12: scheduled dance with caller and band. Probably will have contras every 2nd Saturday January through May 2010. Let Kathy know your feelings about all of this, . A Contra-style Barn Dance is also planned near Polson this Friday Aug. 14, and the Shy Bear Dance near Arlee will be Aug. 15. Lita has forwarded the following information from Dr. Vicki Watson Hi folks -- In addition to the regular Shy Bear dance on Aug 15, Note the Polson dance (below) on Aug 14. It's A Barn Dance.. Contra Dance...Square Dance... Line Dance... And you are invited! When: 7:00 p.m. Friday, August 14, 2009 Where: The Masumola Clubhouse Masumola Lane, Polson, MT Who's Performing: Daniel and Quincy Moore and Helen Pilling will be playing for us. Quincy is a great young fiddler who is attending school in Boston. He formerly played for Hippie Spawn. Daniel plays banjo and bodhran and Helen strokes a strong rhythm guitar. Helen and Daniel also play for the Grin and Bear It String Clan. Mark Matthew will be our caller. They are very energetic and lots of fun. What to Bring: A Dessert to Share, A Desire to Learn (no experience necessary), light weight clothing, and Good Dancing Shoes. Cost: $15 per couple, $8 per person, or $20 per family. After paying the caller and band, all proceeds will go toward the cost of building a new drain field for the Masumola Clubhouse. Space is Limited so be sure to RSVP by calling: Mark and Shannon Nunlist at 883-9337 OR Mike and Trish Rodrique at 883-3368 Directions: From Polson, Travel West on Route 93 for 1.3 miles. Turn north onto Rocky Point Road. Turn right onto Masumola Lane, which is between mile marker 3 and 4, and head toward the lake. The clubhouse will be on the right. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vicki Watson, Missoula Folklore Society Dance Coordinator, 243-5153 COMMUNITY CONTRA DANCES every 1st & 3rd Saturday Nights, Oct to May. WHEN: 7:30-11pm WHERE: Usually the Missoula Union Hall, 208 E. Main, upstairs GREAT LIVE MUSIC. NO EXPERIENCE OR PARTNER NEEDED. o o o o o o o o o o o o 0<>0 0<>0 0<>0 0<>0 0<>0 0<>0 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ------------------------------------------------------------------ You can see a series of free videos that explain the basics of contra dancing to beginners: What is Contra Dancing? And for more information on international dancing and links to music, events and other information, visit the Kalispell International Folk Dancers web site, where you can also find recent dance lists: http://montanafolkdance.org/flathead/ Harmanlijska Racenica Bulgaria Mali Izvorski Opas Bulgaria Stella di maggio Swiss-Italian Backovsko Horo Bulgaria Cepelarsko Horo Bulgaria Mori Odajo Macedonia Valle Nuseve Nga Korca Albania Hora Pe Gheata Romania Chilili Bolivia Ali Pasha Turkey Jiana Romania T'Filati Israel Rezijanka Slovenia Newcastle / Le Debauche English Trip to Bavaria Scotland Hambo, Styrman Karlson's (singing Hambo) Sweden Siriul Romania Tervelska Raka Bulgaria Zabarka Serbia Nebesko Serbia Zaplet Croatia Dodi Li Israel Ma Navu Israel Ajde Jano kolo da igramo Serbia Happy Dancing! Don