No international folk dancing in Kalispell Saturday July 10. Too many conflicts: 
	the Butte folk festival, a wedding, travel plans, visitors in town, work... Hey,
	it's summer in Montana! Dancing will resume July 15 at the Kalispell Salvation
        Army gym, 110 Bountiful Drive, 8 to 10 p.m. (summer hours). A $3 donation requested.

        The National Folk Festival in Butte is this weekend, with international dancing 
	Saturday morning. Here are some updates:
        Max reports that two Butte city parks will be opened for public camping. Here's the 
	link he sent to the Montana Standard newspaper article:

        Butte International Dancing on Saturday, July 10, will be from 9 a.m. to noon. Folk dancers will gather at the
        Parish Hall at St. John's Episcopal Church, 15 North Idaho.  $5 donation is suggested. Dancers from around
        Montana and beyond are expected. Please let Cecelia  know if you plan to attend and
        if you have requests that aren't listed below.

        Directions: From I-90, take Montana St exit. Go north.
        After Park St., turn left (west) onto Broadway. Go 1 block.
        The Church is across from library.  Use the Broadway entrance.
        These streets have good parking at 9 a.m. and for the day, but check signs, especially near the library.

        At noon we'll head out for the National Folk Festival.  Lovers of folk music may want to check out the
        Eastern-style Polka, the Hungarian Gypsy and the Arabic.  Lovers of intricate footwork may like the
        African-American Tap.  Those whose favorite group in year one of the festival was Le Vent du Nord may
        ike Genticorum, also from Quebec.  Square dance instruction and Salsa instruction will be offered at the
        dance pavillion. For complete information on the National Folk Festival, check out:

        Dance list so far:
        Stiga Mi se Momne Le (pravo)
        Pata Pata
        Sborinka (Butte version)
        Momacka Setnja.
        Mairi's wedding (Frank Max Eva, Cecelia, need 4 more without review)
        Ajde Jano
        Cepalarsko Horo
        Valle Nuseve Nga Korca.
        Sitno Sborinka (that Russ taught)
        Trite Pati (Ann taught in Kalispell)
        Populli Jon
        Neda Voda Nalivala
        Nevesto Carven Trendafil
        Sabrali sa se, sabrali
        Bela Rada
        La Vielle Bastringue
        Dvoino Horo
        Birchot Havdalah
        Mori Odayo Sareno
        Va Yven Uzyahu
        Moja Diri Dika

        Future Event for Belly Dancers & Others: Eva reports that Helene Eriksen is returning to Butte to teach
        dance workshops on August 28.  Norma Pylypuw (our local belly dance teacher) and  Ginnie Watts
        (dance teacher from Bozeman) are co-ordinating this year's event which will be at the temporary Sacred
        Ground center in the  MoFab (old YMCA) in Uptown Butte.

        Norma is wondering if  international folk dancers would be interested in a special session geared toward folk
        dance on Sunday.
        The belly dance community has expressed an interest in #6 (we did this last year), #4, # 12 & 13, #18 
	and #22 from Helene's web site.
        Folk dancers are most welcome to attend these Saturday sessions.

        Preliminary costs are $45 for one 3 hour workshop; $80 for two.
        Let us know what you think-- would you be interested in a Sunday workshop on one of the "folk dancy"
        Eastern European, or Armenian topics?  Would you be interested in attending some of the workshops
        the belly dancers have expressed interest in?
        You can let us know Saturday (looking forward to seeing several of you!) or anytime soon by e-mail:
        maxneva AT rfwave DOT net
        On the horizon: Sept 25  Day of Dance in the Country at Hallie's beautiful Weather Rock Barn north of
        Bozeman in the Shields Valley near Wilsall.

        For more information on international dancing and links to events, free music and other information, visit the
        Kalispell International Folk Dancers web site, where you can also find playlists from past dances:

        Happy dancing!
