Howdy Dancers!

        Come enjoy a celebratory evening of international folk dancing in Kalispell this
        Saturday, Aug. 21, from 8 to 10 p.m.,
        at the Salvation Army gym, 110 Bountiful Way. Take in the Northwest Montana Fair,
        then join in the dancing.
        A donation of $3 is requested to pay for rental of the gym.

        Here's a roundup of other dance events around Montana, courtesy of Cecelia in Bozeman:

        Bozeman International Folk Dance - Every Tuesday this summer, 7:30 p.m., SOB Barn at MSU

        August 28th:  two workshops in Butte with Helene Eriksen. See below.

        Sept. 25th:  Day of Dance in the Country, On the Park/Gallatin County line

        Nov. 20-21, 2010    Fall Folk Festival, Spokane

        For video of past festivals:

        Feb. 19-20, 2011  Steam & Stomp at Boulder Hot Springs

        July 8-10, 2011   The Montana Folk Festival in Butte

        Video clip: The first 2 minutes is of Sestorka (hoo ha) ...taking liberties
        with the choreography:

        Re. the Butte Workshops August 28th:
        Two workshops in Butte by the fabulous international dancer and teacher Helene Eriksen.
        11am-2pm - Dances of the Nailiyat from Algeria ($45)   For an example, see the first dance at

        3pm-6pm - Dances of the Ghawazee from Upper Egypt ($45). A $10 discount is available if you
        enroll in both workshops dropping the price to $80.
        Sacred Ground in Butte will again host - A donation to Sacred Ground will be made from the
        enrollment fees. Call Norma or email  logicmystic AT  for more information.
        It will be held at the MoFab on Park Street uptown.
        Eva says she hopes to be at the 11 a.m.workshop. Helene Eriksen is a wonderful teacher and
        an expert on some types of dances that expand the range of what we usually do for international
        dance.  She gives historical and cultural information as well as teaching several dances.

        For contra dancers, the 27th annual Bear Hug Dance & Music Mountain Festival is coming up
        Sept. 10-12 on the west shore of Flathead Lake. Bands will be the Great Bear Trio and Sleeping
        Child String Band, with callers Sarah Van Norstrand and Marlin Prowell. A limited number of
        reduced rate scholarships are available for participants ages 17-27. For details and registration,
        go to:
        International folk dancing takes place in Kalispell this Saturday, August 28,
        from 8 to 10 p.m. (summer hours), at the Salvation Army gym, 110 Bountiful Way.
        We will celebrate Rose's birthday with cake & goodies.

        Last weekend we had a large festive turnout to dance and celebrate Ruth & Sam's 50th
        anniversary and Connie's birthday. We didn't get a list of all the attendees, but it was a fine session.

        DANCES 08-21-10
        Seven Jumps             Denmark
        Zemer Atik              Israel
        Toting                  Denmark
        Changerais-tu           Brittany
        Gori More               Macedonia
        Dance from Plav         Montenegro
        Ve' David               Israel
        Setnja                  Serbia
        Mayim                   Israel
        Melissa's Waltz         USA
        Hambo                   Sweden
        An Dro Retourne         Brittany
        Djado mitjovata         Bulgaria
        Mori Odajo              Macedonia
        Zensko za raka          Macedonia
        Nama Lesnoto Medley     Macedonia
        Duke of Kent's Waltz    England
        Tankosava               Serbia
        Snurrebocken            Sweden
        Tervelska Raka          Bulgaria
        Narino                  Turkey
        Tervelska Tropanka      Bulgaria
        Sestorka                Serbia
        Dospatsko Horo          Bulgaria
        Jove Malaj Mome         Bulgaria
        Joc batranesc de la Niculitel Romania

        For more information on international dancing and links to events, free music and other information, visit
        Kalispell Montana Dancers web site, where you can also find playlists from past dances:

        Happy dancing,
