Hello Dancers, We meet again for International Folk Dancing at the Salvation Army gym, 100 Bountiful Drive. We will celebrate Ruth's birthday. All are welcome. No experience needed. Easier dances are taught during the first hour or so. A donation of $3 per person is requested for rental of the gym. Next weekend is the Hopa Harvest, a weekend international folk dance gathering near Missoula in Lolo. I suspect several of us will be going, so we will figure out tomorrow night whether there will be dancing in Kalispell next weekend. For all the details on Hopa Harvest, follow the link below to our Kalispell web site and open the current events tab. For upcoming regional dance events plus more information on international dancing and links to free music and other information, visit the Kalispell International Folk Dancers web site, where you can also find playlists from past dances: http://montanafolkdance.org/flathead/ DANCES 10-16-10 Orijent Serbia Trei Pazeste Romania Lesnoto Bulgaria Kujawiak Niebieski Poland Hora ca la Caval Romania Jovano Jovanke Macedonia Le Bal De Jugon France Ve David Israel Tino Mori Macedonia Dospatsko Horo Bulgaria Arap Macedonia Trind Polska Finland Tankosava Serbia Zensko za raka Macedonia Maître De La Maison France Valle Nuseve Nga Korca Albania Tankosava Serbia Levi Jackson Rag USA Hambo singing Sweden Djado mitjovata Bulgaria Little Man in a Fix Denmark Zensko za raka Macedonia Kreuz König Germany Ma Navu Israel Moj Dragane Croatia Erev ba Israel Horehronski Csardas Slovakia Birchot Havdalah Israel Takanata Bulgaria DANCERS 10-16-10 1. Russ 2. Missy 3. Roger 4. Sharon 5. Jackie 6. Jackie van D 7. Don 8. Rose 9. Connie 10. Sam 11. Ruth 12. Kathy Happy dancing, Don