Hello Dancers,

        We had a nice little party for Sharon and (belatedly) Ruth. We also had two new dancers.
        Welcome to Matt and Richard. Karen was out of town, but maybe we can sing to her this coming week,
        just a couple of days late.

        For more information on international dancing and links to upcoming events, free music and other
        information, visit the Kalispell International Folk Dancers web site, where you can also find playlists from
        past dances and links to music for many of the dances we do.

        DANCES 10-22-11

        Setna                   Serbia
        Raksi Jaak              Estonia
        Go Fatille Mome         Serbia
        Ya da kalinushku lomala Russia
        Harmonica               Israel
        Rumelaj                 Romanian Gypsy
        Arap (Zajko Kokorajko)  Macedonia
        Djado mitjovata         Bulgaria
        Tamzara                 Armenia
        Reels -Flowers of Edinburg      Scotland
        Svends Hambo            Sweden
        Milanovo Kolo           Serbia
        Jovano Jovanke          Macedonia
        Ve' David               Israel
        Milanovo                Serbia
        Changerais-tu           Brittany
        Valle Nuseve Nga Korca  Albania
        Trind Polska            Finland
        Zemer Atik              Israel
        Dance Of Ikaria         Greece
        Dospatsko Oro           Bulgaria
        Slow Singing Pravo      Bulgaria
        Be'er Basadeh           Israel
        Devojce, Devojce        Macedonia
        Tervelska Raka          Bulgaria
        Dance Above the Rainbow Ireland
        Bavno Oro               Macedonia

        DANCERS 10-22-11
        1. Sam
        2. Kathy
        3. Rose
        4. Don
        5. Ruth
        6. Connie
        7. Sharon
        8. Roger
        9. Missy
        10. Russ
        11. Jackie
        12. Richard
        13. Matt

        Happy dancing,
