Hello Dancers, Kalispell International Folk Dancing is Saturday, Jan. 28, 7 to 10.p.m., at the Salvation Army gym, 110 Bountiful Drive. We had a big group last week and lots of teaching. Thanks to Russ, Ruth & Jon. Welcome to our new dancers. We will lilkely be reviewing at least some of the dances from last week. The Wintergreen Contra Dance Weekend at The Emerson in Bozeman is also this weekend, Jan 27-29, for anyone headed that way. Next week, Saturday Feb. 4, there will be a Contra Dance at the Kalispell Senior Citizen Center, 403 2nd Ave. W., from 7:30-10:30 pm. Band will be the Usual Suspects (Barbara Calm, Gary Morris, Jason Foy)Caller will be Ray Polhemus from Spokane. The first part of the evening has very easy dances and explanation of common calls. ALL the dances throughout the evening are taught and called. Admission is $7 Adults, $5 High School/College students, $15 Families, FREE for kids under 12 and non-dancers. For more information, call Joe or Sherry For more information on international dancing and links to upcoming events, free music and other information, visit the Kalispell International Folk D ancers web site, where you can also find playlists from past dances and l inks to music for many of the dances that we do: http://montanafolkdance.org/flathead/ DANCES 01-21-12 Slow Singing Pravo Bulgaria Ajde Jano Serbia Raksi Jaak Estonia Povoz (Seta) Serbia Ya da kalinushku lomala Russia Kendime Turkey Savila Se Bela Loza Serbia Rumelaj Romanian Gypsy Changerais-tu Brittany Dance from Plav Montenegro Ma Navu Israel Siriul Romania Siriul Buzau Romania Stella di maggio Swiss-Italian Chilili Bolivia Makazice Serbia Kalamatianos Greece Zorba Greece Makazice-Bela Rada Serbia Ve'david Israel Korobushka Russia Dospatsko Horo Bulgaria Joc batranesc de la Niculitel Romania DANCERS 01-21-12 1. Russ 2. Karen 3. Jon 4. Ruth 5. Sam 6. Lauren 7. Joe 8. Rose 9. Don 10. Kathy 11. Marianne 12. Suzanne 13. Lorraine 14. Jackie 15. Connie 16. Bonnie 17. Ella 18. Mia Happy dancing, Don