Kalispell International Folk Dancers

        Yes, we are dancing next Saturday, May 26, in Kalispell at our usual venue,
        the Salvation Army Community Center, 110 Bountiful Drive. What better way
        to celebrate our traditional cold rainy rotten Memorial Day weekend than
        with an evening of international dancing? We dance from 8 to 10 p.m. (summer hours).
        A $3 donation is requested to pay the rent.

        For more information on international dancing and links to upcoming events,
        free music and other information, visit the Kalispell International Folk
        Dancers web site, where you can also find playlists from past dances and
        links to music for many of the dances that we do:

        Here's the dance list from our small but dedicated group:

        DANCES 05-19-12

        Nama Lesnoto Medley     Macedonia
        Siriul                  Romania
        Ajde Jano               Serbia
        Go fanale edno mome     Macedonia
        Ya da kalinushku lomala Russia
        Slow Singing Pravo      Bulgaria
        Ma Navu                 Israel
        Zorba                   Greece
        Hora ca la Mahala       Romanian Gypsy
        Dospatsko Horo          Bulgaria
        Belasicko Oro           Macedonia
        Cepelarsko Horo         Bulgaria
        Sedi Donka              Bulgaria
        Stella di maggio        Swiss-Italian
        Gankino Horo            Macedonia
        Le'or Chiyuchech        Israel
        Eretz Eretz             Israel

        DANCERS 05-19-12

        1. Russ
        2. Rose
        3. Don
        4. Jackie Z
        5. Kathy

        Happy dancing!
