Kalispell International Folk Dancers

        Hello International Dancers,

        Dancing in Kalispell on Saturday night (Sept. 8), from 8 to 10 p.m., at our
        usual venue, the Salvation Army Community Center, 110 Bountiful Drive.
        We celebrated birthdays, including Rose's, we had many goodies to sample.

        This weekend is also the annual Bear Hug contra dance weekend at Rollins,
        on the west shore of Flathead Lake. It usually fills up early, so if you're
        interested, check out the web site and put it on your calendar for next year.

        Next weekend is the annual dance weekend at Hallie's Weather Rock Barn in the
        beautiful Shields River Valley north of Bozeman. In addition to the big Contra
        Dance on Saturday night, this year's program features international dance workshops
        Saturday afternoon and Sunday with Thea Huijgen from the Seattle area. There's
        also an international workshop with Thea in Bozeman on Saturday morning starting
        at 9:30 a.m., focusing on dances for couples. For details, see the schedule
        Thanks to Cecelia for forwarding the info!

        5th Annual Dancing in the Country at Weather Rock Barn
        September 15th and 16th, 2012
        Teaching International Folk Dance is Thea Huijgen from the Seattle area.
        Weather Rock welcomes her to Montana. This event is being sponsored by Weather Rock
        for the enjoyment and participation of all dancers throughout the state.

        Saturday, Sept. 15
        9:30 a.m. (in Bozeman) Couple Dance Workshop taught by Thea

        1:30 p.m. at Weather Rock Barn in the Shields Valley
        International Folk Dancing for Everyone, Session with Thea

        5:30 p.m. Pot Luck supper in the Barn - food/drink to share

        7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Contra Dance in the Barn
        With Skippin’ a Groove and local Caller

        Sunday, Sept. 16th
        Brunch at the house-early riser coffee
        Continue International Folk Dance in the barn
        Reviews & more new dances with Thea.

        Overnight stay at Weather Rock:
        camping on grounds and barn sleeping space
        Livingston and Bozeman have accommodations, each 30 miles away.

        For more information on international dancing and links to upcoming events,
        free music and other information, visit the Kalispell
        International Folk Dancers web site, where you can also find playlists from past
        dances and links to music for many of the dances
        that we do:

        September 8, dances

        Biserka Bojarka         Serbia
        Robin Ddiog             Wales
        Ali Pasa                Turkey
        Cadaneasca de la Macin  Romania
        Gorani                  Armenia
        Tankosava               Serbia
        Maruntica de la Cajvana Romania
        T'Filati                Israel
        Ya da kalinushku lomala Russia
        Opinca                  Romania
        Ljaski                  Bulgaria
        Bucimis                 Bulgaria
        Cepelarsko Horo         Bulgaria
        Harmanlijska RâCenica   Bulgaria
        Staro Pomasko           Bulgaria
        Nama Lesnoto Medley     Macedonia
        Pravo                   Bulgaria
        Lakodalmi Tanc          Hungary
        Siriul                  Romania
        Zimushka                Russia
        Joc batranesc de la Niculitel Romania

        DANCERS 09-08-12
        1. Don
        2. Rose
        3. Russ
        4. Missy
        5. Jackie
        6. Connie
        7. Roger
        8. Sharon

        Happy dancing,
