Kalispell International Folk Dancers

        Greetings, Dancers,

        Kalispell International Folk Dancing will be next Saturday, Sept. 29, from 7 to 10 p.m., at the 
	Salvation Army Community Center.

        We had a terrific turnout for the Autumnal Equinox this Saturday, and we
        welcomed Max and Eva from Butte, now Kalispell residents. We look forward to learning the new
        dances that they will bring! We also got a start on some of the new dances Russ & Missy
        brought back from the Weather Rock Barn weekend.

        The Whitefish Oktoberfest is next weekend (and next weekend), featuring the Europa Band playing
        Bavarian and other European folk music. The Oktoberfest opened tonight and continues Friday at
        5 p.m., with Europa starting its first set at 5:30 p.m. The fest opens Saturday at noon, and
        Europa plays starting at 5:45 p.m.

        Argentine Tango Classes with Lori Mitchell & Patrick Marsolek return to Kalispell on Sunday,
        Sept. 30, 2 to 5 p.m. at Flathead Fitness, 300 1st Ave. W. There will be two classes at $10 each,
        open to all levels of dancers. For more info, or to register:
        info@PatrickMarsolek.com or call 44-three-34-three-9
        or register online http://www.innerworkingsresources.com/TangoKalispell

        Missoula/Lolo  International Folk Dance Party is Oct. 20-21, at the Lolo Square and Round Dance
        Center on U.S. 12 west of Lolo. Here's an update from Susan Sweet, forwarded by Cecelia:
        I am pleased to let you know that Mike and I will be hosting an international folk dance party
        here in Missoula/Lolo on Saturday, October 20 and Sunday, October 21.  Please note that THIS
        IS A CHANGE IN DATE from the inquiry we sent out earlier this summer.
        The format for the event will be essentially as it was a couple of years ago:  Saturday
        starting at 1:00 p.m. (doors open at 12:30 to begin set up) will be teaching at various levels,
        then a program of dancing for the remainder of the afternoon (program to include chances for
        review and requests), followed by a pot luck supper at the dance site (the Lolo Square and Round
        Dance Center), followed by a dance-by-request party until 11:00 p.m. There will be raffle drawings
        during the evening.  Mike is working on a plan for Sunday morning dancing and breaking fast at a
        location that we are excited to try.  More details to follow, but we expect there will be dancing
        from 10:00 to noon Sunday morning, with food options (yum!) available.  There will be no admission
        fee for these events, but we will gratefully accept donations to help offset our costs.
        Please do send this information on to others who might be interested.

        Steam & Stomp at Boulder Hot Springs is Feb. 16-17, 2013.

        KALISPELL DANCES 09-22-12

        Ma Navu                 Israel
        Siriul                  Romania
        Ya da kalinushku lomala Russia
        Ajde Jano               Serbia
        Miserlou                Greek-American
        Go fanale edno mome     Macedonia
        Setnja                  Serbia
        Birchot Havdalah        Israel
        Povoz (Seta)            Serbia
        Mayim                   Israel
        Harmonica               Israel
        Stella di maggio        Swiss-Italian
        Zemer Atik              Israel
        Lo Ahavti Dai           Israel
        Nama Lesnoto Medley     Macedonia
        Godecki Cacak           Serbia
        Heyamo                  Turkey
        Juice of Barley         England
        Maxwell's Rant          Scotland
        Maître De La Maison     France

        DANCERS 09-22-12
        1. Russ
        2. Rose
        3. Don
        4. Connie
        5. Jackie V
        6. Kathy
        7. Tim
        8. Jackie Z
        9. Karen
        10. Jon
        11. Beth
        12. Dennis
        13. Max
        14. Eva
        15. Ruth
        16. Sam

        Good dancin!
