Kalispell International Folk Dancers

        Hello All!

        Kalispell International Folk Dancing: Next Saturday, Oct. 13
        7 to 10 p.m. at the Salvation Army Community Center, 110 Bountiful Drive

        Kalispell IFD will be cancelled the following Saturday Oct. 20 since several people are headed
        to Missoula for the weekend Hopa Harvest IFD gathering in Lolo.

        DANCES 10-06-12

        Siriul                  Romania
        Bavno Oro               Macedonia
        Birchot Havdalah        Israel
        Bannielou Lambaol       France
        Road To The Isles       Scotland
        Chilili                 Bolivia
        Slow Singing Pravo      Bulgaria
        Ya da kalinushku lomala  Russia
        Stella di maggio        Swiss-Italian
        Maître De La Maison     France
        Ganglat -Snoa           Sweden, Norway
        Inga-Lill (hambo)       Sweden
        Familjevalsen           Sweden, Denmark, Norway
        Familie Sekstur         Denmark
        Ma Navu                 Israel
        Armenian Turn           Armenia
        D'Hammerschmiedsgesellen  Germany
        Rumelaj                 Romanian Gypsy
        Alunelul                Romania
        Le'or Chiyuchech        Israel
        Dobrudzanska Pandela    Bulgaria
        Jacob's Ladder          Israel
        Jove Male Mome          Bulgaria
        Preplet                 Serbia
        Mavromata               Greece
        Pidhichtos Banas        North Thrace
        Bitte Mand I Knibe      Denmark
        At Va'ani               Israel
        T'Filati                Israel
        Birchot Havdalah        Israel
        Go fanale edno mome     Macedonia
        Joc batranesc de la Niculitel  Romania

        DANCERS 10-06-12

        1. Russ
        2. Missy
        3. Jackie Z
        4. Jackie V
        5. Joe
        6. Tina
        7. Dennis
        8. Beth
        9. Rose
        10. Don
        11. Jon
        12. Cathy
        13. Sharon
        14. Roger
        15. Connie
        Happy dancing,
