12-8-13 Hello Friends, Kalispell IFD next Saturday, Dec. 15, from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Salvation Army Community Center, 110 Bountiful Drive. The annual outpouring of Christmas gifts and goodies for needy children continues to gobble up the dance floor space in our large gym dance venue. It's impressive! We had another good dance group last weekend, with the dancing pace slowed for a time as several tried to find overnight accommodations for a homeless fellow who turned up on a very cold night. I think the efforts were successful, and all came right thanks to Connie, Ruth, Sam, Kathy B and others. With Christmas and New Year's Eve fast approaching, Kathy Neff advises that there are several dance venues this year for First Night in downtown Kalispell. A First Night badge will get you in to them and to many other events. I know Rose and I are planning to do First Night this year. Kathy writes: There will be dancing at Kalispell Senior Center from 7 to 8:45 PM (this is an hour longer than I previously thought), featuring Left Side Brains (our family band, which includes Sam on accordion) and I'll call/teach the dances. We primarily do easy family line and circle dances, and some contras depending on who shows up. I try to specialize in dances that are quick to learn, and fun to dance for everyone. We can do some international dances, particularly Mairi's Wedding, some easy English Country dances (I think we have all the music if a dance is suggested in advance), and could even add some others. I would like to specifically invite the Folk dance group to come and join us, as well as the regular Contra dance folks. I'd be happy to work out some details in advance if you have suggestions. The Swing group follows us at 9:00 PM at the Senior Center. Not sure if this is demonstration or group dancing, probably a little of both. I'm assuming Marimba band is playing somewhere that evening as well, possibly a dance venue too. On Saturday January 5, 7:30 to 10:30 PM, we have another regular Contra dance scheduled with same band and me calling again at the Senior Center. I think we can get to more advanced contra dancing on the 5th; our group is now getting more experienced. I know Saturdays are always a conflict with International Dance night...I don't know if one of these times the group would consider dancing instead at the contra. I realize it is a tricky topic. Anyhow, maybe it will work out for First Night? Steam and Stomp at Boulder Hot Springs will be Feb. 16-17, according to Bill Bucher. He has sent out the official poster announcement, which is attached to this email as a pdf. This is probably the most popular annual IFD event in the state, and the hotel accommodations have a way of filling up as the winter creeps along, so if you're interested in attending, don't delay too long in making your plans and reservations. The Bozeman IFD group plans a dance party on New Year's Eve from 2 to 4 p.m., followed by a potluck with location to be announced. If you're planning to be in the Bozeman area for New Year's, contact Cecelia for details: cecelia@notess.com She has also forwarded photos of the play list from the Missoula dance weekend, courtesy of Mitchell Frey. Since the dance music came from two different sources, not all the dances made it to the computerized list that went out. If anyone wants the play list from the poster boards, let me know. DANCES Djado mitjovata Bulgaria Le'or Chiyuchech Israel Dospatsko Horo Bulgaria Harmonica Israel Kak po Logu Russia Go fanale edno mome Macedonia Ma Navu Israel Dance Above the Rainbow Ireland Ajde Jano Serbia Eretz Eretz Israel Takanata Bulgaria Dobrudzanska Pandela Bulgaria Stella di maggio Swiss-Italian Birchot Havdalah Israel Miserlou Greek-American Tervelska Tropanka Bulgaria Duke of Perth Scotland Kritikos Syrtos Greece Siriul Romania T'Filati Israel Zimushka Russia Opinca Romania Bavno Oro Macedonia Arnautsko Horo Bulgaria -Pirin Cocek Serbia Be'er Basadeh Israel Tervelska Raka Bulgaria Ali Pasa Turkey Tamzara Armenia Hora Femeilor Romaina Cepelarsko Horo Bulgaria Zorba Greece Horehronski Csardas Slovakia Zensko za raka Macedonia Joc batranesc de la Niculitel Romania DANCERS 1. Russ 2. Missy 3. Connie 4. Jackie Z 5. Jackie V 6. Cathy 7. Eva 8. Max 9. Ruth 10. Sam 11. Rose 12. Don 13. Shannon Happy Dancing! Don