Hello Dancers,
Can you believe it's the end of May already?
Stamp and Camp is coming up in just four weeks!
Kalispell International Folk Dancing moves to summer hours next Saturday, even though it's not quite solstice yet. We will dance from 8 to 10 p.m., so we can take better advantage of these long daylight hours for outdoor activities. We were joined by Laxmi, now from Missoula and formerly Philipsburg. Thanks for making the trip!
Roger also introduced us to Dajcovo Horo, which he has added to the dances on our web site along with notes about the calls and responses, and a link to a video showing the basic dance steps. Heya Heya is also there now, along with many others.
The dances we do
Since several of our regulars have traveled to distant lands, and there's been talk of sharing pictures, Jackie V. has offered to host a potluck gathering at her home one of these summer weekends, to swap lies and show photos. We should talk about it and set a time to do that!
DANCES 05-31-14
- Laxmi
- Don
- Rose
- Roger
- Russ
- Missy
- Jackie z
- Jackie v
- Max
- Eva
Happy danJoncing,